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What Clients Say
"I am very happy that I picked Impressive Basements to finish my basement. After interviewing other basement finishing companies, I chose them to do the work and I know I made the right decision. For anyone who chooses this company to do work in their basement, I am confident that you will feel this same way as I do." - Carol G. Arlington, MAGet Started. No Sales Pitch. No Pressure To Sign Today. No Absurd Discounts Offered Today Only. No Competitor Bashing. Just Straight Facts & Best Pricing. Its Simple.
Mold & Mildew Proof, Waterproof, Seamless Style Systems Specifically Designed for the Basement Environment
"I am very happy that I picked Impressive Basements to finish my basement. After interviewing other basement finishing companies, I chose them to do the work and I know I made the right decision. For anyone who chooses this company to do work in their basement, I am confident that you will feel this same way as I do." - Carol G. Arlington, MA
The House That Dave Built
Season 1 – Feb 4, 2012, the guys hire KAKS to install the impressive basement system in a old home just outside Boston MA.